Offering the finest standard of pet care. We believe a visit to The Velvet Coat should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience!
magine your dream vacation. Your best friends are there and many new friends, too. There are several activities to choose from, all tailored to your select interests and personal preferences. You can play your favorite games, lounge by the pool, take a long walk, watch a new movie, and have a good book read to you, take a cat nap, or go for a swim. Your every indulgence awaits at the Day Spa, where you can enjoy a relaxing massage, fragrant blueberry facial, soothing pedicure, dead sea mudpack, or a complete makeover with a private glamour photo session. After a full day of fun, you retreat to your private suite, where you lay in luxury bedding. In your bed fast asleep, morning room service arrives and a new day of play begins.
Can it be true? Does such a perfect place exist? It does if you’re a dog living in Santa Cruz County! The Velvet Coat offers the very finest of accommodations for our vacationing "guests" every comfort and your peace of mind. No cages, kennels or concrete runs; we offer luxury bedding and accessories, soothing classical music, and constant play time in our beautifully landscaped 3000 square foot yard and on our massive ocean view decks. Available amenities include specialty meals, leashed walks, salon and spa treatments, massage. While at the Velvet Coat your pet will enjoy free reign of the house and yard. All pets sleep in the house. We offer a variety of indoor accommodations according to your pets preference and habit.
The Velvet Coat is committed to Animal Rescue and supports not only the local rescue community but also the United States War Dog Association. Our beloved CEO (Canine Executive Officer) and constant inspiration is a rescued Belgian Malinois named Raja. When he is not busy overseeing charitable activities, Raja can be found helping to manage the doggie daycare or greeting a new guest. We have been caring for pets residing in Santa Cruz County since 2002. The Velvet Coat provides reliable, loving pet care on those occasions when you need to be away.
Servicing all of Santa Cruz County and the Following Communities: Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, Aptos, Capitola, Felton, Scotts Valley Soquel, Watsonville, Bay Area and beyond.